Thursday, September 10, 2009

TWD Rewind: Buttery Jam Cookies

It's obviously not surprising that this is another TWD rewind. I had no idea that making all of the recipes from one book could be such a simple idea, yet so hard to do. It is is simple in the sense that you just have to do it; but it is difficult in the same way: you have to do it. I have joined TWD already behind by about 70 recipes. I want to finish the book along with everybody else, so I have to work hard on catching up. But that means I basically can only bake from this book. Of course, I'll try to throw in a few recipes from other places here and there, but until I catch up, this blog will be mainly TWD rewind posts. Don't worry, though, because I'm trying to make that part go by as fast as possible :D Which is, clearly, why I've baked TWD rewinds two days in a row.
On to the recipe. This one was simple. The recipe calls for apricot jam, but I substituted sugar-free orange marmalade, because that's what I had on hand. It seems to have worked fine, by how they look, but they haven't been tasted yet. (What has been tasted by now are the muffins from yesterday, which apparently are amazing!) I was surprised when I read this recipe that the jam is actually beat into the mixture before the dry ingredients; I thought that it was going to be more of a jam swirl. I will let you know how these taste when I am told, but for now, go make this recipe and tell me yourself! :D
As usual, for the recipe, buy the book. Or you can probably find it on somebody else's blog if you search it on google, because the host for the week tends to post the recipe.
Oh, one more thing. This recipe is supposed to make 45 cookies using a heaping teaspoon for measuring, but I used a tablespoon cookie scoop and it made 24 pretty high cookies.
Have fun!

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